Disseminate and Win

Start Date: June 27, 2023
End Date: July 3, 2023

Participate in the Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan Quiz on #MyGov and take a pledge to make



Visit: quiz.mygov.in/quiz/nasha-muk



Are you a foodie who loves #millet? Take Eat Right Millets

Quiz at quiz.mygov.in/quiz/eat-right

and discover their nutritional benefits.


An initiative for you to disseminate and engage with #MyGovActivities and #NewIndia,#NashaMukt,#millet and #MyGov By using these hashtags, you can connect and showcase ongoing initiatives, creating greater visibility and participation.


  1. Dissemination: Share MyGov activities, campaigns, and contests on social media.
  2. Engagement: Encourage active participation and discussions among students.
  3. Reach: Amplify the impact by sharing beyond your campus.


  1. Stay Updated: Visit MyGov Saathi 2.0 platforms regularly.
  2. Share Creatively: Use Shared content.
  3. Use #MyGovActivities: Include the hashtag in your posts and Activity Hashtags.
  4. Engage and Respond: Interact with your audience and encourage sharing and participation.

Timeline: [ 7 Days]


  1. Link: Share post links on your Saathi 2.0 dashboard (Activity Area).
  2. Screenshot: Upload post screenshots on your ambassador dashboard.

We appreciate your dedication to spreading awareness and engaging a wider audience. The reward will be added as per Given Criteria.

Together, let’s disseminate #MyGovActivities far and wide!


The Last date of submission is 03rd Jul, 2023

Submission Closed